Nikola Tesla
The introduction of SpaceCollective briefly mentions the incredible Nikola Tesla. I recently did a little bit of research into the life of the man and holy #^( $-!t. For those of you who are unaware of who Nikola Tesla was, I suggest you enlighten yourself by reading up - or at least you-tubing up on his life. All sources I found assert that upon his death the government went in and snatched up all of his notes and inventions - some of which are still being analyzed today. Many of the sources also assert that he didn't write down a lot of his findings for this reason, to block his discoveries from being exploited. It is clear by some of his inventions - like (free) global wireless electricity, death rays, and radio (among a lot of others we still utilize today) this guy knew something about the universe the average joe does not. I've decided I am going to start hitting the books a little bit harder - maybe we can solve the energy crisis with free electric energy from the ionosphere? Haha, no... Seriously.But what did Nikola Tesla know?!