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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Eat at Olive^Garden --- All Details Inside

Friday, November 5, 2010

DailySurveyPanel: 120 Point United Daily Survey

Postnatal & Prenatal Moms Study MAY
Survey Message:
Survey Name:United Daily Survey Router

Survey Value: 120 points if you complete and qualify.

How long to credit? This survey takes 24 hours to credit. It does not credit on the same day.

Survey Frequency You may do 1 United Daily Router Survey daily if you qualify.

This survey allows you to keep attempting (must click on the link every time before new attempt) until you qualify. They usually have a few surveys to rotate in a day. It is highly recommended that you clear your cookies before taking the survey daily. This will almost guarantee that you will not have a crediting problem. If you have a technical issue with a survey report it to with the exact error, url of the error, a screenshot (if possible) and what the survey was about.

MARCH SURVEY BONUS(total amount of surveys you completed in DSP the whole month):
In MARCH you may be eligible for the following bonuses:
Complete 15-25 surveys in a MARCH for a 500 points bonus
Complete 26- 50 surveys in a MARCH for a 1000 point bonus
Complete 51+ surveys in a MARCH for a 1500 point bonus

With 4 daily surveys available, plus additional targeted surveys as they become available, these bonuses are very achievable! And keep in mind, these bonuses are in addition to what you are already paid for. completing the surveys! TO CLAIM THE BONUS ONCE YOU QUALIFY EMAIL SUPPORT@DAILYSURVEYPANEL.COM with the amount of surveys completed in MARCH .

Take Survey

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If you have any questions, feel free to email

Daily Survey Panel Group
2728 Arkansas Drive 4th floor
Brooklyn, NY 11234.

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